Jun 152012

(Original article from DC BLOG)

The Joker has gone missing from Arkham Asylum, but not even Batman can comprehend the grisly evidence the notorious madman left behind. Something strange and terrible is happening in Gotham City, and it all seems to revolve around a new villain known as Dollmaker.

The relaunch of DC’s flagship title for the first time ever, DETECTIVE COMICS, VOL. 1: FACES OF DEATH comes to you from acclaimed writer and artist Tony S. Daniel. In addition to compiling issues #1-7, this hardcover collection also includes an exciting array of bonus features in the back of the book. Keep checking back to THE SOURCE every day this week for a sneak peek at some of these supplemental materials, including some of Daniel’s sketches and layouts.

DETECTIVE COMICS, VOL. 1: FACES OF DEATH is available in bookstores everywhere now.


My humble opinion: The story promised to be a good Joker story until he dissapears after issue 1, leaving his face in Arkham Asylum…literally.  What happened to him is a big mistery. Maybe great plans are in the boiler for the Clown Prince of Crime in future issues of Batman and Detective comics, but for now I will settle for the extra perks of seeing more of Tony Daniel’s art and sketches…


Dec 072011

Tony was kind enough to share one page from DETECTIVE COMICS #4 on sale today.  His art does not cease to be amazing as well  as the storyline, though I must admit, I am a little hesitant as to where the Joker is heading.  I’m such a traditionalist where storylines are concerned…well, we’ll see what happens.  In the meantime, please enjoy the plethora of Jokers in one page…


Nov 072011

It’s obvious by now that I’m a great fan of Tony Daniels and his art and when he’s involved in some Joker work, I love him even more.  Here he is kind enough to share a page of pencil art from the upcoming DETECTIVE COMICS.  Please enjoy and don’t forget to thank him for sharing.  Look at this beauty:




Nov 032011

Like the previous two issues, Mr. Daniels has the tremendous ability of leaving me at the edge of my seat wanting more. After issue #1 we have not seen the Joker since he took his face off, but now, we know why.  Dollmaker has been busy with his creations and Batman is about to face maybe one of his greatest challenges.  If one Joker in Gotham is not enough, what do you do against a whole army of them created with a single program in their twisted minds….KILL THE BAT.

I don’t know if Joker is just going to grab some popcorn and the first row seat to  enjoy the show or if he will actually join the party (I think the latter), but I am dying to know if Batman can get out of this.  This DOLLMAKER is probably one of the most twisted psychopaths Bruce has faced in a long time, and when he joins forces with Batman’s greatest foe, you just have to wonder what good can come up of all this. I know Joker could not resist the temptation of getting a piece of the Bat too.

Makes me wonder if Joker have the copyright of his looks….he will make a killing in the next issues with so many look-alikes.  Here is a preview:



Oct 262011

Tony Daniel has posted a great splash page from Issue #4 of DETECTIVE COMICS and also commented on Joker’s status in the story line.  Please visit him on Facebook and thank him for the wonderful story and art he is giving us every month.  Here is the art and Tony’s comment.


Art by Tony Daniel. Inks by Sandu Florea. Batman copyright DC Comics.

And here is what Mr. Daniel has to say about Joker in the series:

Worked my tail off to get issue 4 of Detective complete.   We’re all hustling over here.  November is a holiday schedule, so I’ll have even less time to complete issue 5.  But strangely my schedule is a little more normal in the month of December.  I won’t complain. 😉  My goal is to go a full 12 months with no fill in (or longer).   What’s on the slate for Detective in the coming months?  Penguin,  dangerous babes and the Scarecrow.   And whatever happened to the Joker?  Where is that mo-fo?  What’s he up to?  hmmmm….
  Share · 16 hours ago near Chicago, IL
Sep 172011

I was playing around on the net and found this nifty discussion from Tony Daniels on his involvement with DETECTIVE COMICS series and his take on Joker plus some more goodies.  This was posted originally by Josh Wilding at COMICBOOKMOVIE.COM. Here is the scoop!

 Talking to IGN Comics writer and artist Tony Daniel has discussed his upcoming work on Detective Comics #1, dropping some revealing new details and finally shedding some light on the Joker of the DCnU. Below are some brief excerpts from the interview, but be sure to click on the link below to head on over to the site where you can find much, much more.

On What Will Single Out Detective Comics From The Other Batman Titles:

I knew pretty quickly how I wanted to tackle the book and what my take would be. Whereas in my Batman run, I had to keep in mind Dick Grayson’s lighter character when working on fight sequences and character beats, I have a sense of freedom on Detective that allows me to write the Batman that I’ve always wanted to write. The tone will be more serious, darker. And deeper. We’ll be seeing Batman facing challenges and new foes (as well as old) that will test his limits as both a detective, and a man. I think Detective gives me the chance to do something different than what I was doing on Batman, so I think that’s a good thing.

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