Sep 172011

I was playing around on the net and found this nifty discussion from Tony Daniels on his involvement with DETECTIVE COMICS series and his take on Joker plus some more goodies.  This was posted originally by Josh Wilding at COMICBOOKMOVIE.COM. Here is the scoop!

 Talking to IGN Comics writer and artist Tony Daniel has discussed his upcoming work on Detective Comics #1, dropping some revealing new details and finally shedding some light on the Joker of the DCnU. Below are some brief excerpts from the interview, but be sure to click on the link below to head on over to the site where you can find much, much more.

On What Will Single Out Detective Comics From The Other Batman Titles:

I knew pretty quickly how I wanted to tackle the book and what my take would be. Whereas in my Batman run, I had to keep in mind Dick Grayson’s lighter character when working on fight sequences and character beats, I have a sense of freedom on Detective that allows me to write the Batman that I’ve always wanted to write. The tone will be more serious, darker. And deeper. We’ll be seeing Batman facing challenges and new foes (as well as old) that will test his limits as both a detective, and a man. I think Detective gives me the chance to do something different than what I was doing on Batman, so I think that’s a good thing.

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Sep 082011

scan_pic0026Ok, after so much waiting, I finally got my first stash of the new 52’s number 1 issues this week.  I’m sorry for the DC editors,but I’m selective so I got a hold of only the ones I wanted. First obiously was the BATGIRL #1, GREEN ARROW #1, JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL#1, BATWING #1,  ACTION COMICS #1 and lastly DETECTIVE COMICS #1.  I immediately digged into DETECTIVE since it had Joker in the cover and started reading.  WOW!  This is really a new reinterpretation. Not completely sure if its one I’d like, but I can tell you that the storyline is more modern, and much more bloody than I remember.  Forget the Batman from the 1940’s, forget the Batman from RIP ‘Cause this is someting new and refreshing. And the ending….OMG! That is what I call a cliffhanger. (Though I was expected a little more realism and I don’t think anyone could survive to a mutilation like that, but heck, there is DC C0mics for you and that means suspended disbelief).  Literally I would like to see that next issue like…I don’t know…right now?  But I guess I’ll have to wait 30 days…

*breathes in *

I’m ready to wait (and hope the wait is worth it),  but in the meantime I would like to share a small sneak peak from those first pages and want you guys to tell me what to think. 

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