Oct 262011

arkham-city-nightwingPosted in YouTube by FAHEY KOTAKU today (thanks a million fromt he bottom of my heart) we finally get a glimpse of what the Nightwing character can do in Arkham City and he can do a lot of damage.  His move are very fluid and acrobatic, just like those of someone with some circus training, and also shows some of the characteristic cockiness that has been the character trademark since its conception.  The NIGHTWING PACK seems to be available only after NOVEMBER 1 (from sources unknown, it just says so in the trailer). Now for you all to enjoy it:

Oct 042011

Well, after the blow that Joker might actually die at the end of ARKHAM CITY, I tried to lighten up the atmosphere with a pic of the new NIGHTWING from the game.  I don’t know.  I think I don’t like the way he was modeled.  I prefer the one in the comics, especially the one in NIGHTWING #1 (see thumb at the bottom of page). Here is the ARKHAM NIGHTWING preview”


Picture courtesy of Eagle Eye
