Aug 282012

I was browsing the net for new figures to acquire, when I stumbled into these…

From a report from this year’s GENCON (the longest, best attended gaming convention in the world according to its site HERE) come these new Joker and Harley Heroclix figures. They will come in a new Batman set and are said to include a “Duo Action” and an “Indomitable” abilities. (I’m not a player, but you guys maybe grasp these concepts better)  I can’t wait to add these guys to my collection though… Here are the pics:


(Pictures courtesy of HeroClix

  3 Responses to “New Joker-Harley Heroclix from GENCON 2012?”

  1. Ohh, love those.
    I like they have deodato’s design <3

  2. Okay, someone explain what Heroclix is, plz.

    • Hope this helps. Found it in wikipedia:

      HeroClix utilizes the combat dial system created for Mage Knight, which keeps track of a figure’s game statistics via a rotating dial in the base. As the figure suffers damage, the dial is turned to reveal new stats and special abilities. HeroClix was designed to appeal to comic book fans, players of wargames, and collectors.

      Each HeroClix figurine is modeled in roughly O scale and has various statistics associated with it:
      Attack Value
      Defense Value
      Point Value

      These statistics are all printed on a dial that serves as the base for the miniature. When a piece takes “damage”, its base is turned a number of “clicks” clockwise, revealing altered stats to correspond to the damage it has taken. Most damage weakens characters, although some actually get stronger when wounded, to represent a transformation or rage.

      Pieces have point values representing how powerful they are. Opposing teams are restricted to a predetermined total point value, which is usually a multiple of 100.

      Near the Number of damage dealt is the range and how many characters they can target at range, which is shown with a number with one to three lightning bolts next to it.

      Battles are played out on maps, overlaid with a grid of 35 mm x 35 mm squares. These maps come in two different sizes 3 ft by 3 ft (36″ by 36″) or 2 ft by 3 ft (36″ by 24″) (with the exception of the Marvel Universe Starter Map which was 13 by 13 squares). The maps used are of different locations found in a typical comic book story. The older maps were generic places but recently the maps have taken on more comic-book-specific places, such as the Justice Society Museum.

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