May 062010

I sat down in my little bed to read my comics of the week and the first one I pick up to read contained a little suprise at the end.  Our fabulous psychopath is finally making his return to the Batman world (I hope this one is the real, please….)

Anyways, here is the scan, hot from the oven and BATMAN and ROBIN 12.  Look who’s coming to dinner on the next issue….make reservations now…..\

  5 Responses to “JOKER IS BACK….YAY!”

  1. Ooh, fabulous surprise ending!

    I hopped over to your journal because Kanike mentioned your post at

    Looking at the image of the Joker in the last page reminds me that I need to see the film THE MAN WHO LAUGHS.


    • YES INDEED, interesting issue…

      And even when his return is the main news, this issue includes…hem…INTERESTING revelations for Damian that will change the course of his future. Even a rupture between him and the Al Gul dynasty.

      Heck, I don’t know….I still hate Damian…

      • I only learned recently that Batman had a son named Damian.

        I’m new to reading Batman comic books. I only started reading Batman comic books last month. I’ve only read BATMAN BLACK AND WHITE VOLUME 1, ARKHAM ASYLUM: A SERIOUS HOUSE ON SERIOUS EARTH, THE KILLING JOKE, JOKER (Brian Azzarello), and I’m halfway though THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS at the moment.

        The more and more I read these Batman comic books, the more and more I’m fascinated by how complex Batman and the villains are in Gotham City.

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just wanted to drop a line to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Isobel!! and hope you have many more! <3 <3 <3

    LUV YA!!!!!!

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