

Veterinarian, fanfiction author (Jokercentric), amateur writer, artist, painter, comic book collector, movie addict, loves animation and traditional art.

Mar 152016

killingjoke_ani_byphaWho’s not excited to hear the incredible duo of Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy once more in the retelling of what is probably the most cherished Joker/Batman story of all times?  The dream is coming slowly true as production continues.  Mark Hamill, just teasing fans, tweeted us a first look at what the clash of the two enemies would look like in a production still from the movie.  It is so reassuring that not only the best voices are involved in this project but that the animators did their best to preserve Brian Bolland’s spirit.  Thanks guys.  Waiting for the film to be released later this year… here it is…

Jan 242016

SuicideSquaddateDirector David Ayer, had only praising words for Jared Leto’s Joker performance on the upcoming SUICIDE SQUAD movie, and thought there is just a little of the Joker still showing on the latest trailer, it is definitely promising performance.  Here is what Ayer had to say:



“It’s a scary character to tackle,” Suicide Squad director David Ayer says of Joker. “This iteration of him, people will realize there really is a continuity of history — there is a lot of respect for what the Joker represents, who he is as a character. He is the best-known villain in fiction, so there’s an incredible responsibility there to also be faithful to what he is but at the same time push him into this next world, next time, next phase.”

Ayer adds that “people kept their distance” from Leto when he was in 24/7 Joker mode. “I love helping actors find what methodology works best for them. It’s like tailoring a suit — it’s not one size fits all. But it really made an event when he would show up on set. There was almost a pageantry to him, which did translate into the power on screen he has.”

Leto even freaked out Ayer a few times.

“Big time. The hairs stand up on the back of your neck,” says the director, who grew up on the old 1960s Batman TV show. “If you’re a Batman fan, you have to love/hate the Joker because he’s the best nemesis ever. Just to have him on one of my film sets, it was a very memorable thing for me.”

What Leto brings to the Joker — the first on screen since the late Heath Ledger’s Oscar-winning The Dark Knight baddie — is a fearless nature, Snyder says.

“The commitment to the role, you’re going to see that really shine through in a way that you’re not used to seeing actors in movies really go all the way with (in) every little moment and every little breath,” Snyder says. “You’re going to get taken on a journey with Jared that I don’t know that everyone’s ready for but I think it will be amazing.”

(Original interview appeared on the USATODAY HERE. Check it out)

Jan 242016

SuicideSquaddateOk, so DC decided to release a longer and more comprehensive trailer of the upcoming SUICIDE SQUAD movie and though the plot still looks and feels sketchy, making me a little nervous about the success of the movie on the box office (and I measure success as the ability of a movie to amass a great deal of profit after covering costs after showing).  I just hope it does not go the way of the Fantastic Four movie…

My opinion is going to be available in a future post.

On the other hand, in the whole trailer once thing is obvious…Jared Leto’s Joker shone with its own light.  If you can pass the looks and seems a very demanding and physical role for which Mr. Leto seemed very prepared an dedicated (if you have followed his Joker-inspired behavior on the set and social media).  Still, they are keeping most of the Joker action under wraps (as if Joker is a secret weapon or something) but so far the Joker character seems to be the only thing that will pull me to see the movie….SORRY HARLEY…you just could not make it for me, though I’m sure you will be irresistible eye candy for the male fans out there….

Well without any delay, here is the latest trailer:

Jan 242016

This was announced a few months ago by DC Collectibles, but they had not released a picture of the statues, and I had withheld the report until some images were available.  FINALLY, they release the first pictures and please note that they are also releasing a Deadshot and a Killer Croc statue as well and I’m sure more statues of the cast will follow.  With no more delay, these are the first look at the Joker and Harley Quinn statues:



Jan 162016

Been a while since I’ve posted anything on this site, but I think this is important…

There is a Joker fan film out there called JOKER RISING made by Smoking Alien Productions that though a low budget production it is very well done and they want to do a sequel to that film (Actually 2 films:  A CITY WITH TWO FACES PART 1  and PART 2) and need the help of dedicated Joker Fans to  raise enough money to make it possible.  Here is a preview for you to enjoy…AND PASS THE WORD!!


Oct 302015

Actress Margot Robbie was also interviews by EMPIRE MAGAZINE regarding her characterization of SUICIDE SQUAD’s  HARLEY QUINN.EmpireHQCVR01

If you thought the Watchmen were messed up, get a load of Suicide Squad. Leading off Empire‘s rogues gallery of new covers was Jared Leto’s wild card, not a member of the squad but still the beating heartlessness at the core of David Ayer’s comic-book adaptation, and Cara Delevingne’s Enchantress. Now comes Margot Robbie’s post-transformation Harley Quinn, the third newsstand star to adorn the new Suicide Squad issue.

A mischief-making case-study in how not to conduct therapy sessions, not only will she not improve the Joker’s mental equilibrium, her own psychological health will be sent spinning along the way. Along with her work attire. “When I got the role I started looking up Harley costumes online, with my mum sitting next to me,” Robbie tells Empire. “She was like, ‘My daughter is going to dress like a prostitute!’ There are a lot of angry mothers out there!”

With apologies to Mrs Robbie, this image of a fully decked-out Quinn might cause a splutter or two back in Queensland. Like a heavily-armed riot grrl, she accessorises punk and street gang style with a non-MLB approved baseball bat and a sidearm the size of Liechtenstein. Note, too, the ‘Daddy’s Little Monster’ tee.

A property Ayer has termed “Comic-Book Movie 2.0”, Suicide Squad is not your common-or-garden superhero tear-up. This one, Ayer is at pains to explain in Empire’s on-set report, is something different. “You do a story about struggle and isolation and people who have been shit on, that suddenly get thrown this lifeline… that’s not so bad.” On the surface, at least, it seems like Robbie’s character is heading in the other direction, but she has demons that need exorcising too. Unfortunately, it’s the Joker doing the exorcising.

(Original article by Phil De Semlyen for EMPIRE MAGAZINE HERE)

Oct 302015

Here is a transcript of the article from EMPIRE MAGAZINE where Jared Leto was interviewed regarding his Joker portrayal in the movie SUICIDE SQUAD to be release in 2016…


Glimpsed on Instagram, teaser in the trailer and much discussed online, Suicide Squad‘s Joker has remained tantalising unknowable – up to now. The new issue of Empire pokes through the bars of Arkham Asylum and lays bare the nuts and bolts of Jared Leto’s wild-eyed reimagining of DC’s supervillain. Nuts, of course, being the operative word for this character.

“There was definitely a period of… detachment,” the actor tells us of his immersion in Suicide Squad’s wild-eyed outsider. “I took a pretty deep dive. But this was a unique opportunity and I couldn’t imagine doing it another way. It was fun, playing those psychological games.” When quizzed on exactly how arduous that process was, Leto unleashes an allusion you’re unlikely to hear from, say, Tom Hanks anytime soon. “It was painful, like giving birth out of my prick-hole.” Ouch.

The role of the Joker in David Ayer’s vivid, sure-to-be-ferocious imagining of the DC team-up is, Leto stresses, radically different from what’s gone before. “If you don’t break rules, you’re not going to strike new ground,” he explains. You can bring your pencils out again, although there’ll be plenty of other ways for this Joker to inflict pain.

Director David Ayer pays fulsome tribute to his star in the piece. “There’s a power to that character,” he elaborates in Empire, “and by some freaking miracle, through the incredible things Jared has done and the photography and all the other things that went into it, we’ve cooked up something transcendent.” So how dark does this Joker get? “He’s scary.”

Surprisingly, perhaps, producer Charles Roven pitches this new Joker as “more social” than those that have gone before. Besides being a sociopath, Roven explains that this Joker is “a very successful and smart businessman”, hinting at another hitherto unseen side of the man. Maybe a man who, beneath the psychic wounds, has something to offer Lex Luthor in due course?

The new issue of Empire – on newsstands on Thursday, October 29 – opens up this anarchic comic-book world in fine style. Head here for a look at its four lead character across five dazzling new covers.

(Original article by Phil De Semlyen appeared in EMPIRE MAGAZINE ONLINE HERE)

Oct 302015

Empire Magazine is releasing this month’s  magazine with covers depicting the cast of the upcoming SUICIDE CAST and include images of Jared Leto’s Joker, Harley Quinn, Dead Shot, and Enchantress… Click on the thumbnails for more covers.








Oct 122015

untitled (2)OK, it is not official, but at least they are willing to consider the idea of a movie based on the graphic novel…that is a tremendous first step.

Screenshot 2015-10-12 00.23.58

Now the thing will be to see if Mr. Tucker can follow up and get a good script and accomplish the task.  We are in a Comic-book based movie boom and I would not see why one of the most iconic Joker stories of all times can’t be translated into the big screen, but it is a matter of timing and scripting magic.

About the rating…I don’t thing that a movie with such the violent content derived from the graphic novel could get a more audience friendly rating.  I think R  is a good rating, but maybe they can manage to barely make a PG-13.  One word of caution…if an adaptation of this graphic novel is to be made, please be respectful to the original story and don’t “chop the plot” just to get a rating.

Get the substance of what made THE KILLING JOKE a great and classic story and then work on what you need to do to translate that to the big screen.

(Please read all about it in the full report here in BATMAN-NEWS HERE)

Oct 112015

GOTHAMJokerOK, I will admit I am not happy about the demise of the character of Jerome Valeska from the series GOTHAM, but in a sense I can see one reason why we could not have had him turn onto the Joker (much to my regret).  This is what I was thinking…

  1. Joker is an unknown.
    1. No one know who Joker is.  Part of his mystique was his anonymity, and that gave him power because in true nature…he could be anybody he wants to be and made it very easy to disappear into the multitude of people in the city.  When the police knows the identity of a criminal, it gives them a certain power over him, and normally it is a matter of time before he is arrested.  I would have to admit that in the Gothamverse having a Joker whose past is known (and it would have been easy to tie Jerome to Joker)  will in some way take away from the character. When Joker makes his final appearance in Gotham, he has to come out of nowhere, taking the city by surprise and embarking in a wave of sensational crimes like it has never seen before.  A kind of force of nature if you may call him that, that is primal, without ties to a past or a place.  Only then he can become the Joker that Batman deserves.

That said….

Certainly anarchy is a very powerful and liberating concept.  Joker took it and amplified it in Nolan’s DARK KNIGHT, and in a sense drives the concept of the character even in the comics but not everybody can be the Joker…only the Joker can be the Joker.

It is true that the idea of chaos and mayhem are just concepts, that anybody could embrace to become the ultimate maniac…but Jerome did it so well that is tremendously sad to see such a good actor like Cameron Monaghan that had given so much to the character only to go in such a quick, senseless way.  I would have preferred to see Jerome do one of those Joker escapes, where everybody thinks he’s dead only to return later with a vengeance…that in my opinion would have been more deserving of the performance.

The people at FOX have set the standards for their most famous homicidal maniac way up in the sky in my opinion.  The new and final Joker, whenever he arrives will have to take Jerome’s  ‘insanity virus’ and take it to the extreme.  Is that even possible?

Yes, the Joker is definitely above any definition of insanity and goes to any limits he has to go to get his point across, but GOTHAM is a show based in reality.  With the limitation of the media to root the characters in a ‘real environment’ how far can they take the Joker? Will they really find someone like Jerome out there?

I found the idea of people just going crazy killing people for fun, after seeing Jerome’s footage on the news a little farfetched.  It is not normal human behavior.  Just because you see someone killing on TV does not mean you’ll think it is fun and go out to try it yourself, but then , Gotham is a strange city.  Maybe there is an underlying low degree of madness in its citizens and they need an inspiration to take it to the highest levels of depravity.

I don’t know…maybe it is just me being a Jokerholic here and adoring Cameron’s performance in the series, but I am divided into deciding if KILLING Jerome was really the best outcome for the character…hope that FOX did not make a mistake here and let go an awesome character that could fill the future clown’s shoes.

For now…Thanks Cameron for an unforgettable performance.  Jerome will be missed, but you showed your caliber as an actor.  Best wishes in the future…

Please read what Cameron Monaghan has to say about his character on the show on TVLine HERE