Oct 122015

untitled (2)OK, it is not official, but at least they are willing to consider the idea of a movie based on the graphic novel…that is a tremendous first step.

Screenshot 2015-10-12 00.23.58

Now the thing will be to see if Mr. Tucker can follow up and get a good script and accomplish the task.  We are in a Comic-book based movie boom and I would not see why one of the most iconic Joker stories of all times can’t be translated into the big screen, but it is a matter of timing and scripting magic.

About the rating…I don’t thing that a movie with such the violent content derived from the graphic novel could get a more audience friendly rating.  I think R  is a good rating, but maybe they can manage to barely make a PG-13.  One word of caution…if an adaptation of this graphic novel is to be made, please be respectful to the original story and don’t “chop the plot” just to get a rating.

Get the substance of what made THE KILLING JOKE a great and classic story and then work on what you need to do to translate that to the big screen.

(Please read all about it in the full report here in BATMAN-NEWS HERE)

Oct 142012



First things first:


  • Played the demo for the new DC Video Game INJUSTICE:  GODS AMONG US and it is just to die for.  They had the playable demo with Green Arrow there and also with Catwoman and though it almost look like a rip off of Mortal Combat, it felt really good to punch something.  The graphics are superb and the moves are incredible.
  • Confirmed by one of the guys in the gaming department (and for those that were wondering)  JOKER was announced as a playable character in the game, though no demo of his moves were available to play at this time.  Can’t wait to see what the Clown is capable of.



  • Saw an incredible preview of the upcoming part 2 of the Frank Miller adaptation of THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS and though just a little bit of Joker was seen, it was enough to make me smile (they showed scene of Joker in the talk show were he announces he’s going to kill everybody in the audience).  I think that Mr. Emerson is doing a great thing with this character and it is going to be a memorable perfomance.
  • DC announced that the voice of the TV show host in the movie is none other than Conan O’Brien and that he did a great job during the sesion.
  • The two movies were shot back to back, hired 33 voice actors and with each actor doing at least 3 different voices, you can imagine the scope of the production.
  • Talking about the score, Bruce Timm revealed that each character has his own beat.  Batman being mostly techno and synthesizer while Superman is more orchestral in nature.
  • When asked, Bruce Timm said that though he has fulfilled goal of bringing two classics to the small screen (Batman Year One and The Dark Knight Returns) he still has interests in other classics like HUSH and KILLING JOKE ( no info if any of those are on consideration at this moment, but showing some interest is promising)
  • Other DC Animated projects to be expected for 2013:
    • SUPERMAN UNBOUND:  Based on the Brainiac/ Superman storyline by Geoff Johns
    • JUSTICE LEAGUE FLASHPOINT: DC gets its take on the multititle crossover in one production.  Film could possibly be previewed as soon as San Diego next year.
    • LEGO BATMAN THE MOVIE:  DC HEROES UNITED:  Following the success of the game. Bruce Timm confirmed the relase of the animated movie next year and presented a short but hilarious clip of the movie.  The production promises to satisfy the little kids as much as the big kids. You can read IGN’s report HERE







Jul 012012

I plan on going and wanted to know if any of my friends was going to be in the area.  I don’t know, it’ s just that being in New York on your own is not that fun!   If anybody knows anybody going ?…contact me.  We could have some serious fun!