Dec 082011

That’s right folks! The mischievous team behind THE JOKER BLOGS are preparing one more episode to celebrate the Christmas….JOKER STYLE! Scott and the gang will release THE JOKER BLOGS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL this Saturday through YouTube and their site. If you like THE JOKER BLOGS be sure to be there to enjoy another hilarious episode.

(Thanks to Kanike from RANCIDRAINBOW.COM for keeping us Jokerholics (especially me) informed  on THE JOKER BLOGS)



Oct 202011

Hi there dedicated Jokerholics!


Just wanted to take a moment to join forces with a friend of mine, Kanike from RANCIDRAINBOW.COM/LEGION (another Batman Joker site) in promoting the new series from Scott McClure:  JOKER BLOGS: FURTHER EVIDENCE to debut this OCTOBER 21.

This new series

A brand new mini-series chronicling the events at Arkham Asylum leading up to the explosive Series II of The Joker Blogs. Each episode of this new series will focus on a different character and will reveal more of Series II.

Check out some of the evidence:


If any of you wants to see the old JOKER BLOGS, it has been indexed in JOKER IN TV AND FILM: FAN MADE FILMS or visit the JOKER BLOGS SITE