Aug 302015

Gotham-TV-Show-Fox-LogoWell, truth be told.

The first season of GOTHAM was kind of slow, and unusual.  First I’d say unusual because you see a world you know…GOTHAM CITY…without a Batman (at least yet) and the introduction of all this characters, from a total new and vast DC Universe (Gothamverse) that is  taking its time, with snippets of origin stories here and there that seemed to take forever.  It also did not help that midseason seemed disjointed when there was that hiatus while they added more episodes.


At the same time, it was interesting.  Yes, this storytelling does not have the appeal of THE FLASH or ARROW, but it was successful enough to grab my attention for the whole season.  I personally wanted to see more Nigma becoming the ruthless criminal he is, Zsasz crumbling under his own manic obsession with self-mutilation, and what is on with Gordon’s first love Barbara…?  Is that the background that will explain why his [future] sob is so perturbed in the comics?  And a surprise newcomer was Fish, which I hope returns for next season, but in the meantime it is time to add some more chaos to Gotham and that is what Season 2 is bringing forth , just look at the preview and tell me you are interested…especially of seeing A LOT MORE JOKER????

Here you have it…ENJOY!!

Jul 152015

GOTHAMJokerFor those of you that could not make it to SDCC this year, the Gotham Panel, based on the popular TV show that depicts the origin of the Gotham characters in a very realistic way, updated fans on the future of the series, with input from the entire cast and staff of the show.  A surprise was to see Cameron Monaghan, “AKA Jerome Valeska and possible future Joker in the series crashing into the auditiorium at the end of the presentation and when “escorted” out of the auditorium by security Monaghan uttered in a menacing voice: “How high is your pain tolerance”

Here is a recording of the panel thanks to YouTube and Flicks and the City