Oct 062011

Just at one week for the release of ARKHAM CITY, the much anticipated sequel to 2009’s ARKHAM ASYLUM, images of yet another two villains join the gigabytes of information already loaded the gaming media.  Here are they in a nutshell

1.  New Robin Character comes fully playable in two maps to be included in the preorder of the game. (no specific retailer was announced, but BEST BUY had been announcing a Robin skin incentive if you ordered the game with them, so I don’t know.  The Robins are in reality three.  The hooded ninja looking one and two additional skins: RED ROBIN and TRADITIONAL ROBIN


Robin picture courtesy of HotBloodedGaming.com


2.  Poison Ivy (that had a limited intervention in ARKHAM ASYLUM returns to ARKHAM CITY


Ivy photo courtesy of Newsarama.com

3.  The MAD HATTER makes his entrance as the latest addition to ARKHAM CITY’S List of rogues that lately included DEADSHOT too


Madhatter photo courtesy of Newsarama.com