Apr 142012

Newsarama shared a page from the new digital comic AME-COMI GIRLS.  Personally I have the figure of Harley Quinn from the series (for pictures please visit the Joker’s Museum, Harley Quinn Action Figure wing) and have to say that I find the new anime-inspired versions quite refreshing but from there to developing a whole new series based on these characters?  Come on, as if we did not have enough DC universe already on the shelves.  I think the reception to this new series will be somewhat lukewarm unless the writing is SUPERB…and I don’t know if DC can accomplish that here.  We’ll see.  I promise to buy the first issue and give you guys my opinion in the meantime…enjoy the preview page


While DC’s familiar female characters are clearly wearing a whole new wardrobe in the new Ame-Comi Girls comics, they’re also being marketed with a whole new approach.

Beginning in May, Ame-Comi Girls, based on the popular manga-inspired collectibles DC has been selling the past few years, will be released as a weekly series every Monday. That release schedule breaks the traditional release schedule of American superhero comics, which normally come out monthly on Wednesdays.

Gray, who’s co-writing the comics with his frequent collaborator, Jimmy Palmiotti, is excited by the prospect of being involved in a digital-first comic that comes out on different days. “Why not? I keep saying how important the digital landscape is to reaching a wider, and hopefully younger, audience that both embraces the new format and is unencumbered by a ‘been there seen that’ familiarity with the comic industry,” he said. “Eventually everyone of every age is going to have access to apps and the importance of giving comics a strong cultural hold on the digital market seems imperative to the growth of the industry.”

(Reprints Newrama report: It’s a new day and age for Ame-Comic Girls HERE)