Apr 022010

I bought a copy of Alex Ross’ new book ROUGH JUSTICE which is a wonderful collection of rough sketches from this comic book master’s career.  I am including some Joker scans that I found on the book, and will include the quotes that go with it in the book

First is the sketched wraparound cover for Ross’ book.  A common (extreme closeup) image of  Batman  giving Joker a dose of whoop-ass:


These are the Joker turarounds for Justice Action Figures wave 3:

An idea sparked from proposal for  a prestige format titled BATBOY that was to be 2 or 3 issues long.  Basically it was a collection of “imaginary stories about the supersons of Batman and Superman.  The series wanted to explore the next generation of stablished heroes and villains like this picture here of the Joker and his daughter. Unfortunately this idea never saw the light.

At the time Ross worked in the Batman RIP covers, he had many initial concepts including the Joker cover below, but  since he “had missed out on storylines that linked the Joker and Ra’s al Ghul, so the sketches [I] included them in could not be used”  A pitty really because it was a very good idea I think, but then I might be biased since I like Alex Ross’ work and I love Joker.  The two together are just divine.

Well, that’s it hope you folks enjoyed the scans.