Jul 222011

THURSDAY July 21, 2011: It’s been like running the New York Marathon but in San Diego. First a delayed flight from Orlando that made me arrive to San Diego in the wee hours of the night of Friday, a town I’ve never been, and where I knew nobody.  Scary, really!  Anyways, I finally made it to the hotel,  slept for two hours then it was time to go to COMIC CON. YAY!

FRIDAY July 22, 2011: Arriving to COMIC CON early (6:30 am) didn’t help, except maybe that I was able to get parking nearby. I didn’t have a ticket for today, but I thought it would be wise to get the tickets for Sat and Sun early.  Oh, God…what a mess.  Some people were saying go to section D, others A, and finally to C to get my tickets. Nobody seemed to agree or know what was happening as I had questions and I was sent from person to person to get my answers.  It was exhausting. Organization leaves a lot to be desired.  Anyways, after two and a half  hours waiting for my tickets, I was able to finish my registration.  I’m ready for the trial of fire now.

I was disappointed that many of the cosplayers were not completely dressed already (Saw some very promising Jokers out there…YUM!), but have to understand….COMIC CON really doesn’t open until 3 hours from now!! They have time to finish before the show I guess…

Some Pics of the day:



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