Jan 162015

Yeah, we know….it is too early in the Batman history to see a Joker.  He should be what? A young man in his late teens early 20s maybe? 

Well, the writers  of the successful TV series from FOX, Gotham, have decided on hinting to possible Joker candidates throughout the series (obviously not setting anything on stone as Joker’s origin is best left where it is…in the unknown) and they seem they will be starting with the second round of episodes for season 1 (or should this be Season 1.5?).  Personally, I hope this is not one of those hints…I really can’t see the man who would become the Joker related in any way with the Grayson’s at this time of the Batman history…it would be just too tacky in my opinion.

Anyways, here is the actual report from our friends at VIXEN VARSITY.


Filming for Gotham episode 16 took place earlier this week and some interesting on-set images and spoilers have surfaced online via Vixen Varsity.

The episode titled The Blind Fortune Teller will take place at a circus and viewers will be introduced to The Flying Graysons – Robin’s parents. According to the website, following a murder at the circus, Gordon questions the ringmaster and “an evil clown”.

Now, “could this be some sort of nod to The Joker? It’s unlikely, but you never know!” speculates ComicBookMovie.

Here are some more rumoured plot details about the episode, as per Vixen Varsity:

– A fight breaks out between clowns and trapeze artists.
– Detective James Gordon meets Dr Leslie Thompkins at Haly’s circus.
– Mary Lloyd, daughter of a clown is in love with John Grayson, son of a trapeze artist.
– Dr Leslie Thompkins checks out the injured circus folk.

The next episode of Gotham season 1 (episode 12) titled What the Little Bird Told Him airs on 19 January, 2015.

(Picture courtesy of Vixen Varsity via Tweeter)

  One Response to “GOTHAM: Could we start to see hints of the series “Joker” soon?”

  1. Please. Leave Joker out of this show entirely. Please…

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