Jul 212013

bmjokerJoker seemed to have been defeated at the end of DEATH OF THE FAMILY, but the truth is that the clown is a part of the Batman mythos from beginning to end.  At least that is what writer Scott Snyder revealed in a panel yesterday about his run on the current BATMAN: ZERO YEAR storyline.  Here are a few things he let out for the fans to figure out.

…Snyder narrates a page from issue #23, out Aug. 14, with Bruce Wayne confronted by The Red Hood Gang. There are a lot of secrets revealed in that scene, Snyder says…

In another part of the panel, Snyder continues:

…Issue #23 will contain a scene between Bruce Wayne and Alfred that Snyder says is “very personal” to him.

“Our Alfred is saying, ‘Bruce, you need to mean something. You need to matter,” Snyder explains.

In regards to any possible Joker connection, Snyder says the villain is a key part of his overall vision for Batman. “He haunts Batman forever. He haunts this story, and every story.”…

And finally, the burning question:

…Does the Red Hood Gang play into the origin of The Joker? Snyder: “You’ve got to read #24.”

Well, I guess the Jokerholics will have to wait a little longer to see how he fits the Joker in the ZERO YEAR storyline, and makes me wonder if he’s going to favor any of the tens of previously told Joker origin stories to tie him to this stage of Batman’s crimefighter life.  We’ll wait patiently Mr. Snyder, your talent has not disappointed us yet

OH AND DON’T FORGET that Joker will have a small cameo September’s VILLAIN MONTH  in a new (?) Joker/ Batman story set to develop in  the pages of BATMAN #23.1

(For a full transcript of the panel visit NEWSARAMA.COM HERE or COMIC VINE HERE)

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