Mar 242013

injusticejokerpic Scanning the Tube, I was thrilled to checkout the latest on the Joker appearance on the game.  I found a few vids I would like to share with Jokerdom and have to say that even if he is the real thing or not (for details read the latest INJUSTICE: GODS AMONGS US comic prequel) but I have to say… I LOVE HIS MOVES. 

I think they captured the Joker’s whimsical fighting style with lots of interesting darker aspects of his personality from recent storylines. He is funny….and at the same time…DARKER (like Arkham Asylum’s Mr. J).  I like this Joker much more than the one I saw  and heard in DC vs MORTAL COMBAT video game (though I think the problem there was the dialogue not the voice acting).  

Oh, and the voice…suits him very nice…Mr. Epcar has definitely matured into the character.  ENCORE!

Check these guy out…


  3 Responses to “INJUSTICE: More Joker Moves….”

  1. Look at his outfit. LOOK AT IT.

    That is the outfit of a clown that has no more fucks left to give. 🙂

    And those are the fight moves of the goddamn Joker.

    I haz an excited Jokerlady. 😀

  2. Omg
    dat outfit <3

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