Jun 282012

Fellow Jokerholics,

If you have noticed that I am not posting as often as I was, please know that it is for a good reason.  I recently realized that THE JOKER’S LAIR was going to celebrate its first anniversary pretty soon and decided it was time for a change.  New theme, with new sections (and old ones too) will be soon available at this site.  And because I am totally out of my mind, I will hold a few contests and yes, there will be winners  and they will be rewarded for their dedication to this site.  Thank my boss for all the insanity, because Joker loves his fans. 

Please keep on the alert, as I will be announcing changes to this site soon.  Hope you guys like what I have in storage for your all….!


  2 Responses to “The Joker’s Lair is getting…BIGGER!”

  1. Loyal Clown Minion InvisibleJester at your service! *salutes* If you need any help let me know. I’m quite good at graphic design and know HTML.

  2. I hope you update the fiction section soon because I am really interested in those stories 🙂

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