May 282012

Catching up with my digital reading, I just finished the latest story arc in the BATMAN:  ARKHAM UNHINGED saga and I wanted to share with you guys:

  • Writer: Derek Fridolfs
  • Arist:   Gabe Eltaeb

BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY UNHINGED #26:  When Penguin’s assassin fails to kill Joker, the bird is looking for someone to finish the job. Deadshot is ready to fill that position…if he can meet Penguin’s (murderously) high standards!




BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY UNHINGED #27:  Deadshot pleads his case to Penguin as to why he should be the next member of his team. Can Deadshot’s dramatic tale of a horrific childhood buy his way on to Penguin’s team…and into his armory. (Joker does not appear in this issue)


BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY UNHINGED #28:  They say that all’s fair in love and war…and in the gang war between Penguin and Joker, you’ll never believe how Deadshot is used to pull a fast one–but on who?!



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