Mar 252012

Hello Jokerholics of the world!

First of all let me apologize for my tardiness in posting to this blog, but my attention has been pulled away by my father’s long disease and treatment that  had me hopping from doctor to hospital like a crazy jellybean for the last six months and more during the last three. And since I had to balance all that with my full time job…took the sad decision to take some time off from Jokerblogging…until now.

AND I HAVE GOOD NEWS! Since my dad is much better now, his chemotherapy is over and hopefully he’s now on remission from his cancer (will confirm in a few weeks) I feel like dedicating my life to the Clown Prince of Crime again.  After all he’s the one responsible for many good things in my life too…believe it or not.

So hopefully you will see more posts and art about Joker in the upcoming days. Even will try to finish my Joker story in for a change.  More Joker projects are sparking between my neurons, and I will share them with you all pretty soon.

Lastly, I wanted to thank you all for your patronage of this blog and patience with my posts.  It has been a pleasure dealing with all of you and sharing your love for the Clown.  You are all wonderful group and you all make my day and inspire me to continue with this project.  Big HUG to all my Jokerholic brothers and sisters.


Sincerely, Jokerlady

  One Response to “I’m Baaaaack!”

  1. I’m so glad your father’s doing better! 😀 Good luck and giggles to you in your Joker-related efforts!

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