Dec 082011

Hey folks. It’s true.  Cobblepot accidentally sneaks again in Joker’s room (again) where he is having some of his…unique fun.  Wanna see what the clown is up to now?  Then check on the previews below.  I just love the way they way they sneak Joker in the most hilarious situations adding humor to a series that deals with not so funny issues in Cobblepot’s life.


“Really?  Can we put some damned numbers on these doors?”   LMAOF!b Priceless!!

  One Response to “Joker shows up again in PENGUIN: PAIN AND PREJUDICE”

  1. Teehee! He actually has one of those spinning Death Wheels you throw knives at! I thought the idea of the Joker having one of those died with the 60’s Cesar Romero variant! c:

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