Oct 282011

Remember there was a rumor in the internet that Joker died in Arkham City?  Well,  was kind enough to upload the actual footage to clarify any confusion the rumors might have arised. Don’t forget to thank for posting the video.

Now to the gruesome truth about the Joker’s death.  For those who can’t wait to finish the game and see it with their own eyes. Original video posted by XCVii007r1.   Let me know what you think I and thank them for the uploads as well

REST IN PEACE JOKER… You might be dead in Arkham City, but you’re still live and kickin’ in DC Universe. Long live the Joker!

I strongly recommend you guys also watch the full credits at the end of the game.  What you’d hear will make you smile….a little…(sigh).  Joker’s last message before he died. Wonder who did he sent it to, hm…  I took the liberty of postinging it here.  Click on the video below

  One Response to “Vids of the so talked JOKER DEATH in Arkham City and “Only You” sung by Joker”

  1. Yea…. a friend sent me a video the day before the actual U.S. release… I might have had to grab a tissue.

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