Mar 132010

Well, today Orlando Megacon started and I had the honor of meeting in the flesh one of the greatest Slash artists (in my humble opinion, and I’m kinda new to the genre) out there.  YAYOI NEKO..

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw some of her prints…that I had already downloaded from the internet.  I really love her art. She is a sweetheart though a little camera shy (asked me not to take he picture, which I respected) and a talented artist.

I spilled my cash at  her booth, buying some of her prints that she kindly signed for me and even got a copy of her sketchbook. She was kind enough to also include some free postcards of her art which I will treasure always.  I just want to thank her for being so nice and show that you could be great at something and not have to be a bitch about it.  There is always space for kindness.

Thanks Yayoi, from a faithful fan.  

Sorry for the nasty black lines but I want to respect her note that say do not scan without consent and still show a little piece of her wonderful art. 

You could see more art at her deviantart site at : or her website:

I’ll post more of the convention tomorrow…after I attend a few forums there.

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