Jun 292008

A few days ago I was talking to a friend and she brought up the fact that I was too obsessed with the Joker.  I obviously denied it at first, but now the more I think of it…maybe she is right.  I write fanfiction with the Joker as a protagonist.  I collect comics, ESPECIALLY if the Joker is guest starring.  I buy EVERYTHING and ANYTHING with the Joker on it…Yes!  I’M ADDICTED TO THE CLOWN PRINCE OF CRIME…but is there anything wrong with it?  I know I’m not the only one who likes villains and definitely not the only who loves the Joker.

I don’t harm anybody.  Really, besides the psychotic episode every blue moon (and who doesn’t have them in this psychotic world) I’m harmless…unless you want to snatch that last Joker figure from the store display.  Then, things could get nasty (HAHAHA!) No seriously.  People collect stamps, paper money, baseball cards.  I collect JOKER. Why is it different?

I’ve always liked villains, in any color, flavor, shape or size.  They make more interesting characters to read and write about and let’s face it, without villains to spice the world heroes will be very lame and boring.  But let’s not degress and get back to the point of discussion.  So yes, I’m a Joker addict, but how can I not be. Let’s face it…the man, as insane as he is, has style.  He dress impeccably even if it is in clown outfit or a  black tux, and he inspires respect (within Gotham underworld.)  Nobody dares cross the Joker in a bad day. And the guy is funny, in his own twisted way.  He has that ‘something’ that attracts us to villains.  Because why does Darth Vader endure? Or  Hannibal Lecter? Or Joker?  They validate the heroes they fight.

So for that matter I have dedicated a small shrine to the J man…more of a room just for him, where I have gathered a large amount of statues, action figures, posters, fan art, posters, and other things all with the same theme…THE CLOWN PRINCE OF CRIME. And I want to share it with my LJ community.  Following are some pictures of the Shrine where you can see some of the gems of my collection.  Hope you all like them.

Pic description:
1.  My shrine one whole curio and the wall beside it,  Unfortunately I own more than have space for.  Need another curio
2.  The top shelf fo the curio with the Bolland insipired Joker with skull, Kotobukiya Joker and the Hand from the fossil Joker watch special edition…and yes…that is Batman hanging from the neck.  
3.  An Alex Ross Batman/Joker/Harley plate
4.  First shelf of the curio with JLA Joker bust, Joker with batman ballon (back), Asamiyas Joker and Harley and Heroclix.
5.  Second shelf with More Asamiya, Joker by Alex Ross, some cars and action figures and the little TDK Joker from Cheerios
6.  Third shelf.  More action figures, Millers Joker, even another Asamiya, even Adam Hughes Harley and the Batman Joker (one of them was taking a nap, oops!)
7.  Last shelf with WB Joker maquette,  a very limited Joker/Harley figure (only sold in asian market) and even a jokermobile.
8. Signed Brian Bolland print framed.
9.  The TDK four pack action figures.  Bought only to get the Joker which goes with the TDK Joker lair playset.  What am I gonna do with two Batmans and a scarecrow…any ideas?
10.  Donner DC Edition Joker doll.  Clothes are made out of fabric and even his shoes are leather…nice figure

 This is a small part of the whole collection, I hope you liked it.

  2 Responses to “Confessions of a Joker Addict”

  1. That is quite a collection! I have that Shakepeare Joker but on a smaller scale.

  2. Oh wow. That is a LOT of Joker. That is an extremely copious amount of Joker. Also, I am very jealous of that Bolland Joker with the skull.

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