Aug 032011

Hello guys. 

Was reading COMIC VINE this morning and found that G MAN had uploaded  a beautiful piece of Joker art that I wanted to share with you.  It was made by David Aja.  He is a comic book creator and though hee might not be much in the news, his work is extensive.  He has drawn a few things here and there, most known are his work in THE IMMORTAL IRON FIST , MARVEL: YOUR UNIVERSE and Marvel’s 5 RONIN (which I bought and I can tell you that his art is amazing.)  David apparently drew a few sketches at the France Comic Con (and still does them for free…even in this economy).  Some are presented in Comic Vine, but this one caught my attention

 The Joker

I personally love the simplistic use of the lines and the lack of color, limiting himself to the use of red for the lips with an added touch of gloss.  This enhances the smile, which is really the distinctive characteristic of the Clown Prince.   Everything else (including those crazy eyes) fall into the background and the composition reaches a classy finish.  He really knows how to compose his art.

For more of his art you can visit the actual article in comic vine here, or pick some of his comic book titles.  I personally recommend 5 Ronin.  Even if you are not a Marvelite like me, I think you will find the art incredible and the story enjoyable.

Another nice piece of Joker Art also comes from my friends at COMIC VINE and this time the artist Joel Gomez who was  the artist on FLASHPOINT: REVERSE FLASH Oneshot.  Here the take on the Clown Prince is different, much more menacing and with a lot more of class, much like the Joker from the 1990’s. You can see more here . Would you really want to face this guy?  With that look on his face…I would think it  twice.  Wonderful art though…me like it a lot.  Here it is…


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