Aug 132015

While checking the internet, saw that COMIC BOOK RESOURCES announced that DC has signed a new voice for their collaboration with LEGO for a BATMAN MOVIE to be released in  February, 2017. Joker’s new voice for the movie will  be done by (Hangover) Zach Galifianakis.

And it took me by surprise. WHY?


Well, it is obvious for those of you (me included) who had played the LEGO BATMAN games that the Joker was voiced by Clown Prince veteran Christopher Corey Smith.  His voice acting, to my taste, was excellent, being both funny and intense (by this I mean that it sounded as if he “felt” the character and enjoyed it).  After successfully voicing the Clown in  two video games and a DVD movie I really believed that Cory Smith had become synonymous with the LEGO Joker (much like Mark Hamill became synonymous with the BATS Joker).  Or was he really?

On behalf of Mr. Galifianakis I have to say, he is a  voice actor on his own right with an extensive resume, especially having voiced The Simpsons’ Lucas Bortner  and Puss in Boots’ Humpty Alexander Dumpty , but does he have what it takes to voice Joker?  * scratches head*  True, this is just a LEGO movie, not the Killing Joke or anything, no biggie…right? Well, yes…but there are voice pairings out there that just do not work (I’m still trying to reconcile Brent Spiner’s voicing Joker in Young Justice which made my head spin, though it was probably most likely due of the poor dialogue that was written for the character to begin with).

I will stop now.

Truth is I have no frame or reference to throw an opinion on the subject.  Just wanted to express how I felt about Corey Smith not being a part of this new LEGO Batman movie, but I hate to pass judgement before hearing Galifianakis’ Joker, so… I will just sit back and wait for the first glimpses of his voice acting that will surely start appearing sometime next year.  Hopefully it will be a refreshing change….*crosses fingers*

(Original article  and unedited picture on COMIC BOOK RESOURCES HERE)

Aug 132015

And it was about FRIGGIN’ time DC!!!

Yes, it was a nice day in 2004 when I saw the announcement in my PREVIEWS catalog of a new Jim Lee/ Lee Bermejo/ Camuncoli project involving Joker…and then it got cancelled.

I had attended comic book conventions (SDCC and NYCC as well as Orlando MEGACON) and try to inquire about the project…nobody knew what I was talking about or those that knew said it was in indefinite hiatus…so I waited. And waited. And waited.

And today I was ecstatic when I read on COMIC BOOK RESOURCES that FINALLY the series is going to see print.  YES!  The First issue of the series is scheduled to be released on NOVEMBER  2015 and will include (as of today)  alternate covers by Jim Lee (1:100 sketch Cover),  and Lee Bermejo. The original layouts of the series are done by Giuseppe Camumcoli and top comic book artists will work in each of the 4 issues of the miniseries.  The first issue is made by JIM LEE!  Here is the premise:

The impossible has happened and Batman is on the verge of being taken down by an enemy he cannot defeat: a virus for which there is no cure! And the only hope for his salvation is The Joker! Who infected Batman, what does the Clown Prince of Crime know, and how will the Dark Knight get that information? Together, the enemies crisscross Europe, desperate to find answers before time runs out.

And here are the covers:

Batman Europa Jim Lee Sketch Alternate Cover


(Original art from DC Comics. Original report by COMIC BOOK RESOURCES HERE)

Jul 182015

Gotham-TV-Show-Fox-LogoHey…I kind of like that philosophy, and can’t wait to see what is going to happen in GOTHAM with Jerome and how he could become the well renowned Joker of Gotham City.

But Joker apart…the series is really good in all aspects of exploring the development of key characters from the Batman universe.  Can’t wait either what is going to be of the new king of Gotham…OSWALD COBBLEPOT.  And Nygma is slowly losing grips with reality… Quite engaging storytelling I tell you. Hope it does not lose its steam halfway through the season as it has happened with other good series in TV.

Jul 182015


“Gotham” creator Bruno Heller and stars Ben McKenzie and Robin Lord Taylor discussed season two, the Joker and more in an interview with IGN. The Joker has long been teased for the show and, following Cameron Monaghan’s latest Instagram clue, Heller weighed in on how the Joker will impact the second season.

“There’s definitely some curve balls; life is all about curve balls, and this show is about that,” Heller explained. “Cameron is coming back. He’s playing Jerome. The story we’re telling is absolutely the story of how the Joker came to be. More than that, I can’t tell you, because I’ve not yet formulated a clever J.J. Abrams type of way of telling you the truth but avoiding the spoiler.”

“Without getting into any of that, what I think it does — given that we’ve now read the first four scripts [of season two] and Jerome is definitely featured — I think for fans of Joker… are going to be very happy,” McKenzie added.

“It’s a storyline that plays out over the whole season. By the end of the season, all Joker fans will go, ‘Ahhh! What a brilliant, brilliant idea!'”Heller joked.

(Original report by Meagan Damore, for CBR. Watch video report HERE)

Jul 152015

219e0e8f76c44732556765f51fb7606eI know, I’m a few days late, but I have been busy and to tell you the truth, though I don’t want to run an early judgement with just a few seconds of footage, it’s hard for me not to get disappointed in the direction SUICIDE SQUAD is taking Joker and Harley Quinn.  I’m a big fan of the Clown, but Suicide Squad’s Joker seems like a bad idea from the beginning  at least for me (and I don’t know who to blame).  My only hope is that Mr. Leto’s talent  would be able to salvage this incarnation of the CLOWN PRINCE OF CRIME and make it memorable.  I shall wait patiently for more footage to make a more educated opinion on the subject.

Please don’t take my opinion as the word of God on the subject.  I’m supplying the popular trailer from SDCC so you can make your own opinion on the subject.

Jul 152015

GOTHAMJokerFor those of you that could not make it to SDCC this year, the Gotham Panel, based on the popular TV show that depicts the origin of the Gotham characters in a very realistic way, updated fans on the future of the series, with input from the entire cast and staff of the show.  A surprise was to see Cameron Monaghan, “AKA Jerome Valeska and possible future Joker in the series crashing into the auditiorium at the end of the presentation and when “escorted” out of the auditorium by security Monaghan uttered in a menacing voice: “How high is your pain tolerance”

Here is a recording of the panel thanks to YouTube and Flicks and the City

Jul 092015

It has been teased all along since his first appearance and later when the first season ended that Jerome, a young man that seems to be the young version of who would become the Joker later on, will be further explored as he goes through his slow transformation into who is going to be Batman’s greatest nemesis.  So apparently this character is the one destined to become the Clown Prince of Crime (at least for the series), I personally had my doubts are the beginning, but it seems the information is coming from the horse’s mouth…. just LOOK AT CAMERON MONAGHAN’s (Jerome) instagram picture…


(Picture and report source INSTAGRAM and FOOD WORLD NEWS)

“This is very much the beginning of the Joker saga,” the series’ showrunner Bruno Heller told People Magazine last February, when asked about Cameron Monaghan’s Joker. “People will have to watch in the long run to see where this character goes and whether he is the Joker or not, but the whole show is about origin stories, and origins can be very complex and convoluted things. I will not confirm that it’s the character himself – he may be – and I’m not trying to trick the audience, but we have a very precise and engaging story to tell.”

For those who did not have a chance to see  Cameron’s previous performance in GOTHAM season 1, please click on the link below:

(Video courtesy of Jo D’Mango at YOUTUBE)

Jul 092015

batman-arkham-knightAnd if having Joker being hallucinated by Batman in the ARKHAM KNIGHT game was not enough Joker for you, you can play as Batgirl and fight the Joker in a prequel titled MATTER OF FAMILY to be available on July 21.  Proof that you can’t keep a good (psychotic) clown down for good…. here is the preview trailer from ARKHAM VIDEOS.  Please enjoy and play if you have your PS4 looks like a good story line

(I’ll try to get more scenes of this story line and will post them here for your enjoyment)

Jul 092015

batman-arkham-knightTrue boys and girls…

Just because he died in the ARKHAM CITY story line does not mean that the Joker would be gone.  He now seems embedded in the Batman’s psyche and pops in and out of the game as hallucinations triggered by Scarecrow’s toxin. Probably just for the ratings, but still, I’m very glad to see the Clown again in this last installment of the game. I personally have not bought the game since I don’t have a PS4 yet, but found the Joker scenes in YouTube so I wanted to share them with you all…