Oct 092011

Tony “G-Man” Gerrero does it again!

The Comic Vine contributor has gotten a hold of an early copy of the Batman files and is taken the time to review it. He goes on every aspect from presentation, to content and gives you a thorough view of what this is going to be like. (By the way…I had a chance to check an early copy of the BATMAN FILES at COMIC CON and it is everything Tony says, just an amazing book from cover to content, and it is extremely well written and beautifully illustrated).  Definitely a must for any Batman fan.  Here is an excerpt of the review (even a video) and If you want to see more, click on the link at the end.














…opening up The Batman Files reveals how Batman keeps everything organized. Check out our quick look at the book.

In a letter from Batman himself, he reveals that his apparent death at the hands of Darkseid, death was the one contingency he wasn’t prepared for as well as he would have liked. The idea of Batman is much larger than he or anyone around him. The purpose of The Batman Filesis to prepare his successor should he die or disappear once again, despite the dangers of allowing this book to be in existence.

We’ve seen encyclopedias and books on characters before but this is something different. Including the history of all the major Bat-characters, the presentation of files, letters, newspaper articles and pictures gives the information in a way that doesn’t come across as dry or boring. You get a feel that you’re actually part of the DC Universe and are reading actual documents…



  One Response to “The Batman Files: Early review!!”

  1. […] Ok, just finished my copy of Batman Files….so much information to read and assimilate! And its all that was promised in previous reviews. […]

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