Dec 082012

jokerarkham-cityIt seems that Rocksteady, the company behind the blockbuster games ARKHAM ASYLUM and ARKHAM CITY want to squeeze a little more profit from the franchise by adding another chapter to the series, this time insipired in the golden age of BATMAN.  And not only that…it is rumored that the new storyline might involve the Joker…again

What is it?  No other criminals in Gotham are capable of producing havoc and mayhem enough to feed an interesting story for the upcoming game?  Now don’t take me wrong, bring me all the Joker you can get me.  I loved the Clown in both games, even after his demise at the end of ARKHAM CITY, but I think that recruiting the Clown for just another head to head against his favorite caped vigilante DEMANDS a good storyline, not just a filler.

And who should voice Joker if he is indeed coming back?  We all know the answer to that, don’t we?

Here is IGN’s report on the sequel



  1. Oh yeahhhhhhhh

  2. I’m with you. I adore J, but there’d better be a DAMN good story and reason for him to be here. Do NOT use my Clown Prince for filler or I will end you, Rocksteady. Which would be ever such a pity, because I loved both Asylum and City.

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