Nov 242012

I can’t help it…I am addicted to figurative art.  I know that Post-modernism, Surrealism, Cubism, Futurism, among others have examples of beautiful art, but I prefer to see art that represents the world I live in…and there is where Mike Mayhew comes in, adding his passion for realism to the comic book media.

Born in New Zeland, Mike represents a modern movement of  photo-realistic dynamic art called Stuckism, created in response toPostmodernism. He says that “art is a mirror of our culture but that it should reflect the best, not the worst”, and “.his use of bright colours in paintings not only expresses the strong light of New Zealand, but also the optimism he wishes to express in his art.

Here is one Joker he painted for an Uperdeck VS set of Cards.  I love the maniacal look on the Clown’s eyes as well as that smile…as if grinning at a camera.  Joker can be such a showman…



Visit the artist’s site at MIKE MAYHEW’S STUDIOS and MIKE MAYHEW at DEVIANTART

  4 Responses to “Joker Art For The Masses: Mike Mayhew”

  1. Oh i knew this one, beautiful and amazingly executed. You really don’t see much realistic take on the Joker at this level.

    btw, i think you could find this hilarious

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