Sep 282012


I finally have my computer back after it recoved from a serious virus infection and that means me back into the desk getting all the Joker stuff I can get my hands into.The first thing was to get a hold of DC’s latest animated movie DARK KNIGHT RETURNS part 1 and have to say that the piece is really magnificent.


You all SHOULD DEFINITELY have to watchi this movie.

Most of the casting is new, but James Woods makes a return to dub the Dark Knight making a great impression on me.  I think that after Kevin Conroy’s decades of doning the black suit, the character could not have fallen into a better set of hands.  Woods inflection sends this Caped Crusader into a much darker place, while keeping Batman faithful to its gritty nature.  Batman is a man of action, not words but GOOD LORD…when he speaks you better listen.

I also applaud the rest of the cast for a wonderful job, especially that of David Selby (Gordon) and Ariel Winters (Robin).

The whole movie does a nice job of giving dimension to a story that already was leaping from the pages of the graphic novel for it’s intesity, theme and characterization. They don’t only keep Frank’s characteristic art style, but the added scenes that join the ‘panels’ from the novel, give the movie a very smooth continuity.  The story did not seem forced, but fell into place even with the added artistic freedom to reinterpret the classic.

Miller’s story was multilayered. From dealing from aging in a world like Gotham, to doing what is right and heroism to the meaning of friendships and to the chaos both Mutants and Joker will bring to the city. No wonder the best decision was to divide this into two distinct movies.  There could not be enough time to explore all the ideas Miller brought and the movie does a very good job and refreshing those very themes.

Definitely I think this is a great movie and an outstanding reimaging of Frank Miller’s classic.

Now, let’s talk about Joker…

He hardly participates in the movie, as he slowly wakes up from a semi catatonic stage where he has been since Batman’s retirement. Now that his Bat is back, is time to come back and he will do it in a way no one will ever forget…especially Batman. I was always worried about his characterization on the movie since later his voice casting has not been so successful.  After all, Miller’s Joker is so well…Miller’s, and thus not easy to handle. He needed a voice that could be both suave, maniacal, psycho with a touch of charm.  I think Joker had found his new voice with  Michael Emerson, a new comer to the franchise.

This movie does not show much, but it includes  nifty preview where we get to hear more.  Here is the TDKR Part 2 sneak peek:


I love how Emerson is capable of mixing the charm and the psycho in his interpretation.  He seems to enjoy the Joker’s own twisted psychosis, to bring his best to this bad boy.  I was impressed in what I saw, and was relieved that this was a Joker that definitely I would like to see.

Now, remember, this is Miller’s version Joker, set in a total different place than continuity.  Wonder if Mr. Emerson could cause such a big mark on the character as to make him his own much in the way Mark Hamill did with his version (that lasted for over 2 decades and covered animation and video gaming).  Could he pull off the Joker from KILLING JOKE or any other Jokercentric story translated to the screen?  I will wait until I see the WHOLE performance to emit my opinion, but I have said this before in another post, I have a hunch Joker is in good hands.

For other points of view, more detailed reviews can be read at:

  8 Responses to “My Humble review of DARK KNIGHT RETURNS pt 1”

  1. Wow, i’m dying to see this. I remember the first time i read the comic i was impressed; both for the art ( it was too “grotesque” , i’ve to admit i didn’t like it in that moment) and the story; which i just love.
    Great review, and good the sneak peek is with spanish subtitles xd.
    About the voice cast, have to say i’m not really that much into Emerson as the Joker…may be he’s just too soft..but i prefer to watch the whole thing before say anything else.
    And for the Killing Joke…that one really HAS to be made, i can’t really undersand why they haven’t done it yet, i’d be ridiculously happy if DC finally decides to do it. And even happier if Mark Hamill is part of the cast ( gosh how i miss this guy)

    • I agree with part of what you say and have to say that disagree with others parts of it.

      I mentioned in the article that Frank Miller’s Joker was not your usual continuity Joker. Not only is he set in a totally different universe, but he is written in a very twisted way. I remember reading the novel some time ago before I did the review, and this Joker is SOFT. Actually he is much more affeminate than your continuity Joker in both his inflections and mannerisms. When he uses endearment terminology like…”DARLING” and “I LOVE YOU FOR IT” you can tell that the Joker’s words have a hidden homoerotic context. This is HIS Batman. This Joker is so enraptured with his bat, that is the Batman’s return the only thing that wakes him from his catatonia because without a bat, there was no need for a Joker. Now that his other half is back, he needs to reprise he role of antagonist, because in his head that is the way it has to be.

      In that sense, I think that Michael Emerson IS THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR THE JOKER in this movie. He can really get into your skin with all his perverse charm and psychotic outbursts, all occurring at the same time. and from the snippets of dialogue, I think that Emerson accomplishes his goal, reinterpreting the Joker in a personal level while keeping true to Miller’s vision.

      And though I think that this Joker voice would suit the character, I would also wait to see the whole movie before making a judgement. I just don’t have all the pieces but scattered segments of dialogue that really impressed me.

      Now there is the question of Emerson voicing other incarnations of Joker in the future. That is something that I am not so sure about. I know the guy understands the Joker’s psyche really well (his interviews really impressed me a lot) and he has a laughter so maniacal that really puts chills down my spine, but a KILLING JOKE Joker is in a totally different league when compared with Miller’s interpretation.

      Mark Hammill was amazing because he could portray both the playful twisted clown from the BTAS at the same time he pulled a much darker, grittier, murderous and psychotic Clown in Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. He reinvented his voice to meet the requirements of both Jokers even when both are quite different while keeping some aspects the same.

      If Mr. Emerson can accomplish such feat, maybe his Joker could work in continuity, who knows? I have to hear him do his inflections under the right circumstances. His voice worked for TDKR, but might need some work for the other versions of the character.

      And I agree with you. I would love to see a version of KILLING JOKE, and even Azzarello’s JOKER adapted to the TV/big screeen. As for the casting, our friend Hammill has already stated that he would return to his character if DC decided to do one on KILLING JOKE. Actually he’s kind of expecting to be the first choice for the job and I don’t blame him. He had done this character so memorable…

      And definitely Antonia…WE ARE WAY OVERDUE of a film reinterpretation of Moore’s classic KILLING JOKE. I think we are just two of many other Joker fans who feel the same way. (and I think that another good adaptation could be Azzarello’s Joker 2008 novel)

  2. You have a point…yeah, it’s true that frank miller’s joker is pretty unique, that’s why i said i’d prefer to wait until make a statement about Emerson impersonating him, cuz you’re right, that joker is kinda suave, and totally have implicit a homo thing; anyway, i love miller’s interpretation, so refreshing and what i value the most, still loyal to the character…have you read cacophony? jaja holly lord, now dat joker IS an homo joker, not implicit at all, just straight to the point xd have to say kevin smith’s joker characterization is so lame ( of corse, please, anyone get mad! it’s my opinion xd) i think it isn’t loyal to the character at all, contrary to Miller’s joker.
    I really wanna watch this movie! maybe i like Emerson after all…but for the killing joke, definitely Mark! o gosh how i love this guy really, he had set the bar too high, and when that happens ( like with the killing joke) people become a little less open minded…i mean, many people think there would be never another joker as good as Hamill’s, but i’m a little more optimistic, i think there’re actually some really good candidates to do the job. Ya know who a think would be a good mistah J? Tim Curry hahahha, really!

    • Hey there,

      Did you know Tim Curry was the first choice to play fhe Joker, but after voicing 4 episodes, DC decided he was too spooky for the animated show? That is when Hamill slipped into the purple pants to make history. I am sure someone has these tapes hidden somewhere and would give my right arm to hear them. I mean, the way Joker has evolved into this creepy murderous and scary clown these days Mr. Curry, which is in my list of fav actors anyway, could not sound that scary now.

      Unfortunately, I don’t think Curry will be interested on the character now, not after what happened the first time. That becomes a downer for an actor anytime. I guess he would have sounded like the Clown from “IT”, staring Curry himself

      If you want a hint of what he would have sounded like, go to

      This is a fan dub of a scene of the “Mask of the Phantasm” with Curry’s dialogue from “IT”

  3. Oh shit, that’s awesome! hahaha i didn’t knew he was supposed to play the joker! luv the vid, just fits. And you’re right, he would totally sound like the creepy clown from IT!, and he isn’t that scary to do the joker, at least not these days xd
    Isn’t tim great? love the guy , really really creepy laugh, just great. And talking about creepy, just crack me up to imagine him as the joker singing the halloween song in The worst witch..o_O

  4. Ah! btw i wanna ask u something that maybe you know; there’s a comic featuring the joker that i’ve been searching so freaking long time and have asked but no one seems to know >-> is the last picture on the panel, i took it from some site, and there were two pages of that issue, in one was joker celebrating his 18th birthday; short story, he kills his dad that day, and then apear relating the story to someone. I can’t remember the site from where i took it, but it didn’t put the name of the issue anyway.
    I really really wanna read it >-
    I’m a little obsessed, i know 😀

  5. Bein trying to find those images…and i cannot. Now you have me intrigued. I thought I owned every Joker appearance in comics until now…dang it! My collection is incomplete again. Time to update it.

    • jajaja
      well, i’ll keep searching, if i finally found them, i will tell ya!
      Besides, two jokerholics thinks better than one

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