Sep 202012

In a recent interview with NEWSARAMA contributor Veta Rogers, Nightwing’s writer Kyle Higgins reveals that the confrontation of the Clown Prince of Crime and the former Boy Wonder will “be a monumental yet emotional showdown between Dick Grayson and Joker.”

After a short hiatus from the series, Higgings and artist Eddy Barrow’s join the tittle once more just in time to join the  DEATH OF THE FAMILY story arc and it seems that Joker will be rocking the young hero’s world out of balance.  Here are the the DEATH OF THE FAMILY highlights from the interview.  You can read the whole interview HERE

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Nrama: As you mentioned, there’s a two-issue story arc by Tom DeFalco. Why is he filling in for a couple issues?

Higgins: Because the Joker issues are so important and so big, the decision was made to give me a chance to get ahead on them and jump forward and set some things up, as well as develop pretty in depth what’s coming after the Joker story.The Joker story is really a huge turning point and changes a lot of things. When you see what happens during “Death of the Family,” it will be much clearer why there was a need and a desire for me to jump forward and spend a lot of time developing everything coming out of that.

Nrama: In the New 52, what is the mindset of this Dick Grayson toward Joker. And who is Dick Grayson or Nightwing to the Joker?

Higgins: Who Nightwing is to Joker is an interesting question. And that really taps into what Scott is doing in Batman, and what all of us are doing in our books. The Joker has a very specific opinion on the Bat-family. As that relates to every individual member of the family, there are slight twists on it. I know I’m being quite cryptic. But I’ll just say that the Joker has a very particular opinion of Nightwing, but I don’t want to get into what it is, because it would give a lot away. But Nightwing’s opinion of Joker is pretty much what you would expect and what’s been seen before. He recognizes that this is probably the most deadly and threatening villain in Batman’s rogues’ gallery. So he’s not taking the Joker lightly.And the second that Nightwing hears that the Joker is back, it puts him into a Defcon-5 mode to expect the unexpected. Like I said, he’s not taking it lightly.

Nrama: Are you working pretty closely with Scott Snyder on “Death of the Family?”

Higgins: Yeah. I flew out to New York back in May, and we had a little powwow in the DC offices between myself and Scott and Pete Tomasi and James Tynion IV, who’s doing all the back-ups in Batman as well as launching Talon. And then Gail [Simone] and Scott Lobdell were conference called in. And we all worked pretty closely developing this story and what the particular pieces were going to be. Even coming out of that, I’ve been working pretty closely with Scott, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s a lot of fun. That said, Scott’s given me a ton of freedom — as he’s given all of us really — to make this a story unique to Nightwing. His only mandate was: Make it the scariest, most impactful Joker story that you’ve ever seen for your character. What’s so exciting for me is, aside from a couple instances, I can’t think of a really big Nightwing/Joker story. The moment that comes to mind would be during, what Last Laugh by Chuck Dixon. It was a big crossover where Nightwing killed the Joker.

Nrama: Yeah, yeah, and Batman brings him back.

Higgins: Yeah, so that’s only big one in recent memory that I could point to.

Nrama: Are you having fun writing the Joker as you delve into your “Death of the Family” issues?

Higgins: Yeah, and I have a very specific version of the Joker that I like, and so it was fun to start working on that. And I plan to tell a huge story that will be lasting. I know it has big ramifications. But I hope that, when people think of Nightwing versus the Joker, this is the one that they’ll think about.

Nrama: How many issues is your tie-in to “Death of the Family?”

Higgins: It’s two issues: #15 and #16. And issues #13 and #14 have some set-up and development for my Joker story. I coordinated with Tom a little, giving him a heads up about some of the plot points I needed set up for the Joker story. And then there will be some fall-out for several issues afterward.

Nrama: That sounds dire.

Higgins: That is certainly one word you could use to describe it.


Higgins: There will be seismic shifts coming out of the Joker story. Big things are coming for Nightwing [in 2013], and there will be big changes ahead for Dick Grayson.


  7 Responses to “Joker brings dramatic changes to Nightwing’s World”

  1. You know, that really is interesting that there haven’t been many Nightwing/Joker crossover battles, seeing as he was a former Robin. I don’t generally read Nightwing, but if this story is as interesting as it sounds I might pick some of the issues up just out of curiosity.

  2. Never like the kid anyway, so c’mon joker, you’re free to screw him

    • Aww, come on, are you saying you wouldn’t read this *even if it includes Joker screwing with a former Robin*?

      Because I, as a Joker fan who really loves seeing references to the crowbar he used on Jason, really want to see him mess with more Robins. There’s altogether not enough of Joker messing with Robins.

  3. Well, of CORSE i’m gonna read it! 😀 it has the joker babe, i was just saying that i don’t mind if he screw nightwing.
    And yeah, the reason there are robins, is for the joker to kill them

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