Aug 192012

Also in November some (previously only) Digital comics featuring the Clown Prince of Crime go to print. (As if we didn’t already have enough clown….Hey I’m not complaining.  The more, the merrier!)


I read the whole story and I give it my two thumbs up.  The art is kind of sloppy and the same time somewhat Sienckiewiczesque…weird combination and a nice try. I think it is a great way to end the story started in the videogames


You can see a preview of this issue in my past post HERE



This one I also read completely and in my opinion, more could have been done with the story.  It left me asking for a little more development, and improved characterizations, and the art looks in my opinion, really unfinished and  amateurish.


“Crisis in Identity”

  • Cover by:  Ben Templesmith
  • Written by:  B. Clay Moore
  • Art by:  Ben Templesmith

 The Joker has a nefarious plan that involves brainwashing the wealthy and elite of Gotham City and convincing them they’re Batman–to murderous effect!


  2 Responses to “Mo’ November Joker as Digital Comics Go Into Print”

  1. I dunno, I kinda dig the unfinished, “sloppy” art on LotDK #2. I love abstract artwork, though, so I may be biased. Besides, that is the Joker dressed in the Batman suit your argument is invalid because that is so funny it wrapped around ludicrous and went right back to being funny again. Although I agree with you on the cover of Endgame – I am not liking the way either J or Bats are drawn there, because it’s pretty jarring to go from how he WAS drawn in the Arkham City series before to THAT… thing… up there. O.o Bats’ face has some weird shading on it, and is it just me or is J suffering from the world’s worst bad hair day?

    • No sweetie, that is not what i meant.

      What I meant is that while the concept was extraordinary (Though I will give you a spoiler…Joker will NOT don a cape or cowl in this storyline), I think the execution of the concept left me asking for more.

      This is not the first time that Joker has tried this. I remember a novel called THE BATMAN MURDERS (go to the fiction section in my appearances list, it’s there) and while the concept is very similart the execution was acceptable. This one was, I don’t know…lacking some juice. I just read it and went…”Oh…ok” and was done with it.

      He is going to eventually try something interesting with Bruce Wayne, and that could have lead to a much more interesting exploration on the hands of a skilled writer, in my humble opinion. I still think that the story is quite entertaining, but does not go beyond that. In the right hands, much more could have been explored…

      Oh, and the cover is great, it is the rest of the art int the story what left me disappointed. I can’t help it, I like to feel like the artist put a lot of effort on his pieces and this one just doesn’t do it for me (but I may be biased, since I like the more realistic art style…who knows, this is just my humble opinion) though i will tell you also that Joker as Comissioner Gordon was also ludicrously funny….I loved him in his outfit, and moustache and pipe…like at true Sherlock Holmes.

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