Apr 242012

batman-arkham-city-catwoman-galIt might have not won the VGAs this year, but no doubt it was pretty close.  And yhsy is why Rockteady will release BATAMAN ARKHAM ASYLUM the GAME OF THE YEAR  edition (or GOTY as it is well known)

In this edition, players will have a change to get not only a copy of the game but also all the downloadable material produced for the game (Missions with Catwoman, Robin,  Nightwing’ and Harley Quinn that were supplied as DLC, and the other goodies)

It will also include a digital download code for BATMAN YEAR ONE.

Available at your local video game stores in May 29, 2012 and sell for  $59.99 (RSP).


  1. Any word on if I can cash my non-GOTY copy in for this bad boy? Been meaning to play the Catwoman DLC but my family refuses to let me hook up my Xbox to the internet.

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