Nov 102013

GOD!  It’s been ages since I updated this blog.  Sorry guys but real life sometimes absorbs us completely leaving no space for fun.  Promise to do better. In the meantime, enjoy this nice short video previewing SIDESHOW’S upcoming live size bust…really wanting that one for my collection but where will I put it…. (I guess he can be in my room making me company HAHAHA!).  Well, here it is..


  2 Responses to “SIDESHOW Live-size Bust Preview”

  1. Pre-ordered mine. Cant wait!

    • Good for you my friend…spoken like a true Jokerholic!! 😉

      I am still debating if i can make space in my small house for such a magnificent piece. I really want it, but it will be sad to get it just to keep it in a box. We’ll see.

      When you get it you can get a pic with it and I’ll be happy to share your joyful pic in this forum (since i dont have a public uploader for pictures yet, you can send it to my email in the intro page of the blog or just let me kno and i’ll give you other means of sending it!)

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